Wednesday, April 3, 2024

วิชาต่างๆ ที่ต้องเรียน ในหลักสูตร IT Management (MIS) ม.มหิดล



EGIT 513 Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise architecture; enterprise architects; enterprise architecture framework; togaf; architecture development method; guideline and techniques; architecture content framework; enterprise continuum; architecture capability framework; ethics of information professionals

EGIT 515 Information Techonology Service Management based on ITIL

Introduction to modern information technology service management consistent with ITIL Framework; Key principles of service management; the four dimensions of service management; system for creating value for services; ITIL framework service management practice guidelines

EGIT 516 Digital Ecosystem for Digital Transformation

Digital ecosystems; computer sytem; software and hardware; digital platforms; database management system; computer network; telecommunications; disruptive technology; implications for digital transformation; ethical issues in digital transformation; cloud computing and digital transformation; cloud deployment models; cloud service models; cloud migrations; cloud operations; cloud governance

EGIT 517 International IT Standard and GRC Framework

Components of a framework and standard for the governance and management of enterprise IT; IT governance industry practices, standards and frameworks; COBIT5 IT Governance Framework; ISO38500; ISO20000; ISO31000; ITIL; Business drivers to implementing IT frameworks and standards; Governance, Risk Management and Compliance ( GRC) definition; GRC framework; organisational strategy; managing corporate governance; business ethics; sustainability; defining risk; risk governance; risk management; value creation; risk-adjusted value; risk assessment; compliance structures; compliance risk; compliance framework; frameworks implementation; creating important information technology and governance policy

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EGIT 520 Data Science for Business

Data science and analytics process; statistical methods for data science; machine learning and data mining process; data management ecosystem; data project; return of investment analysis for data science project; organization structure and related roles in data science project; business requirement gathering; database and data exploration; SQL language; principles of statistics; data warehouse and business intelligence; data visualization; data storytelling; data preparation; classification algorithms; regression analysis; feature selection; feature extraction; prescriptive analytics; clustering techniques; recommender engine; sequential pattern mining; outlier analysis; text analytics; communication skills for data scientist; data privacy laws; introduction to data governance; ethics of professional data scientist

EGIT 521 Data Governance and Enterprise Data Management

Data strategy for digital transformation; roles of chief data officer; enterprise data; data management principles; data ethics; data privacy; enterprise data governance; operating models; data-related roles and responsibilities; organizing for data governance; driving business ownership of data; setting data policies, standard, and processes; monitoring and enforcing data governance; data governance framework; enterprise and data architecture; data model design; data quality management; metadata; data security; master data management; data integration; data management and data governance maturity assessment; organizational change management; data governance case studies

EGIT 522 Organizational Capability Maturity Assessment in Software Development

Introduction capability maturity model; assessment methods; delivering and managing services; service delivery management; strategic service management; engineering and developing products; product integration; technical solution; ensuring quality; peer reviews; process quality assurance; requirements development and management; verification and validation; selecting and managing suppliers; supplier agreement management; supplier source selection; managing business resilience; continuity; incident resolution and prevention; risk and opportunity management; managing the workforce; organizational training; planning and managing work; estimating; monitor and control; planning; supporting implementation; causal analysis and resolution; configuration management; decision analysis and resolution; improving performance; managing performance and measurement; process asset development; process management; sustaining habit and persistence; governance; implementation infrastructure; assessment process; introduction to data management maturity mode

EGIT 523 Cyber Security Management

Understanding security layers; authentication; authorization and accounting; understanding security policies; understanding network security; protecting the server and client; ethics of information professional

EGIT 524 Blockchain in Financial Business

The second era of the internet; blockchain design principles; public and private ledgers; the blockchain ecosystem; rethinking financial services; accounting and financial management; global payments and prosperity; blockchain regulation and governance; financial ethics

EGIT 525 Disruptive Innovation and Macroeconomics

Theory of the disruptive innovation; the disruptive innovation model; analyzing cycle of the disruptive innovation; sustaining innovation; incumbents; entrants; the high end of the market; the low end of the market; economic theory related to the national income; the cycle of economic; inflation; unemployment; economic policy; ethics of the information profession

EGIT 526 Personal Data Protection and Digital Law

Philosophy of law; legal system; introduction to criminal and civil law; introduction to digital law; digitisation and the information society; regulating the digital environment; intellectual property rights; cyberlaw and rights; cyber speech; obscene speech; cybercrime; e-commerce; trademarks and domain names; customers payment; data privacy; personal data protection law; ethics of information professionals

EGIT 533 Business Intelligence and Data Visualization

Concept of business value from corporate data; nature and value of business intelligence; business intelligence environment; corporate data type and sources; data modeling; data warehousing; business analytics; OLAP analysis; data visualization; visualization techniques, dashboard; data storytelling; data privacy; decision support systems, expert systems; executive information systems; ethics of professional data scientist

EGIT 536 Modern System Analysis and Design

Analysis of information system development life-cycle, theory, methodology and strategy in system requirement analysis; requirement modeling; design and analysis tools and computer-aided software engineering; user interface; requirement specification; project feasibility study and ethics of information professional 

EGIT 539 Intelligent Industry and Smart Technologies

Industrial revolution and industrial 4.0; system integration; internet of things; big data and analytics; cloud computing; simulation and virtualization; autonomous robots; cybersecurity; smart factory; services and business models; reliability and continuous productivity; product lifecycles; industry value chain; smart technologies; Internet of Thing – IoT; smart home; smart building; smart cities; smart farm; smart infrastructure; smart grid; smart utility/energy; smart mobility/transport; smart healthcare; smart factory; smart citizen; smart governance; ethics of information professional

EGIT 553 Digital Economy

Measuring the digital economy; Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the digital economy; digital technology's evolution and the path of measured productivity growth; small companies in the digital economy; the growing digital divide; IT and organizational change in digital economies; an enacted view of the digital economy; ethics of information professionals

EGIT 554 Digital Marketing Strategy

Requirement for the management of digital marketing strategy; actions required to develop a strategic planning to deploy across the organization; applying information technology for marketing; ethics of information professionals 

EGIT 555 Organizational Behavior and Organizational Development in Digital Age

Roles of executives in managerial process; organization design and development; basic principles of individual and organizational behavior analysis; the relationship between individuals and group leader; communication in organization; conflicts and organizational changes; environmental change affecting organization; strategies and techniques in change management; organizational development; problems of organizational change; resistance to organizational change and problems solution; ethics of information professional 

EGIT 558 Strategic Human Resources Management and Leadership in Digital Age

Workplace environment; human resource management strategy and business strategy; human resource management system and high performance organization; human resource and organization efficiency measurement tools; organizational culture, value and ethics; leadership and human resource management; strategic human resource management

EGIT 559 Entrepreneurial Management

Concept and processes management of enterprises; business environment; management skill of entrepreneurs; management tools help entrepreneurs; integration strategy based on business functions; tech startupl tech startup management; ethics of entrepreneurship 

EGIT 580 Strategic Planning and Management

Strategy development; characteristics of efficient strategy; analysis of business, environment, industry, competitors; competitive advantage; integration of business strategy; implementation in organization; strategic information systems; ethics of information professionals  

EGIT 581 Business Analysis and Business Process Management

Business analysis; requirements process; stakeholder analysis; BPM overview; leadership and culture; BPM lifecycle roadmap, process modeling, process analysis; process design; process performance measurement; process transformation; process organization and governance; enterprise process management; BPM technology; ethics of professional business analyst 

EGIT 582 Business Continuity Management

Business continuity lifecycle management; establishment of business continuity policy, objectives, targets, controls, and procedures; crisis communications; business impact analysis and risk assessment; identifying and selecting business continuity strategies; developing plans for IT disaster recovery; developing plans for business resiliency; developing a crisis management plan; techniques for training and exercising business continuity teams 

EGIT 540 Selected Topics in IT Management

Selected topics in information technology; technology development; trending and future technology; modern methodology for information technology management

EGIT 528 Total Quality Assurance
Malcolm baldrige national quality award; organizational profile; leadership; strategy; customers; measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; workforce; operations; results; ethics of management 

EGIT 529 Testing of Network Penetration and The Use of Hacking Techniques Ethically

Methodology; techniques; tools for network penetration testing; planning; scoping; reconnaissance to study the infrastructure of the target system; find access channels and vulnerabilities of the target; exploitation; password attack; web application manipulation; practice for penetration testing in a simulated environment to find the target; hack the target system to gain access to the system; post-exploitation to searching for information and gaining high privileges in the system after accessing the target; pivoting through target machines to scan and break into other internal systems

EGIT 530 Personal Data Management

Characteristics of personal data and sensitive data; impact of data subjects and organizations from personal data breaches; important principles for the protection of personal data; consideration of personal data in the information life cycle; governance of personal data; registration and processing of personal data; assessing the risk of personal data breach; preparation of policies and notices on personal data protection; technologies used to protect personal data from infringement; handling data subject rights requests; handling personal data breach incidents and evaluating the effectiveness of the management of personal data in the organization   

EGIT 531 Human Resource Analytics

Human Resources Analytics; The process of analyzing an organization's employee data; Data analysis for employee retention; The process for employee optimization by using analysis to improve the recruiting process; Using data to develop employee retention strategies; Analysis of employee data for the development of career paths for human resources development plan and workforce planning; Analysis to support organizational change; individual development program analysis; Improve employee productivity through people analytics; Identifying the differences between high-performing and low-performing employees

EGIT 532 Metaverse Technolgy Management
Metaverse; Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; Mixed Reality; Virtual Platform Design; Gamification; Game Architecture; Financial transection; Investment and ownership; Virtual Land Property; World Disruptive; Virtual marketing; Management; Platform; Metaverse Security; Privacy: Ethical in Metaverse

EGIT 527 Research Techniques for Applications of Information Technology Managements
Research techniques for information technology managements; analytical reading techniques of research papers; conceptual models; conceptual frameworks; analysis and evaluation of research using statistic tools; ethics of information professionals

EGIT 586 Principles of Global Healthcare Information Technology Management

Healthcare; healthcare information technology, hospital information system, health IT architecture; healthcare information regulations and standards; health IT infrastructure; clinical information systems; systems acquisition; systems implementation and integration; healthcare IT governance and management; IT project management in healthcare organizations; health information exchanges

EGIT 587 Principles of Security and Privacy in Healthcare Information System
The diversity of the healthcare industry; the types of information technologies and their data flows; related law and regulatory; healthcare information risk management; able to apply information security and privacy principles to suitable protect healthcare information in different levels; ethics of information professionals

EGIT 588 Knowledge Management in Health Service System
Knowledge management, differentiation between knowledge information and data; personals in managing knowledge; critical knowledge management theories; dimensions and factors in learning regarding the issues of the health service system; knowledge circulation in the health service system; organizational culture and the willing to share knowledge, knowledge for health service personals; IT in knowledge management; learning organization’s assessment; knowledge management planning; ethics of information professionals

EGIT 589 Information Technology Management for Health Insurance
Health insurance IT in Thailand and Asean countries; basic concepts pertaining to private and public sector health insurance IT/ benefit plans; population care management techniques; provider payment; organizational integration; quality and accountability; cost –containment; and public policy; future of health insurance IT; sensitizing healthcare administrators to the clinical; financial and administrative; implications of various approaches to health plans and insurance IT; ethics of information professionals 

EGIT 599 Selected Topics in Health Information Management   
Selected topics in health information management; health information technology; the use of health information technology in current and future


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